Implement joined-up plans, collaborate across services & engage with your communities

Local Government

Implement joined-up plans, collaborate across services & engage with your communities

Local Governments have an incredibly diverse range of responsibilities. Within climate alone, all levels of local government are responsible for complying with national strategies including nature recovery, carbon emissions, air quality, and transport.  

Typically, every local government department develops a specific strategy and delivery plan for each key issue; counties are developing Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS), both Counties and Districts are developing climate strategies, while all Districts have separate local economic development strategies. This leads to gaps and duplication of effort. It also leads to missed opportunities.

OnePlanet is about approaching an issue by looking at it in context, what factors are connected, and how they influence each other to find effective and efficient solutions. By connecting the dots on climate, health, transport, and more, new strategies can be developed.

With our straightforward platform, OnePlanet offers specific functionality for local governments to help connect different departments and strategies around common goals (or ‘Shared Outcomes’). Although widely applicable, it is especially being used to meet carbon targets, align nature recovery work and maximise health benefits by embedding these issues into all decisions and facilitating climate action amongst suppliers, community, and stakeholders. 

Wherever you are in your journey, OnePlanet can help you move further and faster to:

Working with Haringey council, we have developed Best Practice Templates that ensure all new projects and procurements are nationally aligned, for example, with net zero targets.

Comply with national strategies 

Our unique database technology connects the many local government strategies mapped on OnePlanet together so they can be compared effortlessly, while creating best practice templates to show what is working around the country.

Collaborate with, and learn from other Local Governments

One of a Council's biggest challenges is showcasing their work to government and the community. Our inbuilt Action Management and Reporting tools to simplify management, minimise duplication, streamline reporting and increase capacity.

Provide accessible reporting to stakeholders in government and to the public

By joining up your action, OnePlanet enables you to cut back on duplication and sheds light on new efficiencies, giving greater potential to each pound of spending.

Increase your efficiency while amplifying your impact

By creating an Ecosystem plan, you can map key strategies to align all activities across the council with your carbon, health and/or equity targets.

Align your internal and external strategies

Your climate Outcomes and Indicators can be embedded into all your council strategies thereby enhancing collaboration, aligning your strategies and maximising resources.

Implement Your Strategy

Making the complex simple

With OnePlanet, you can say goodbye to traditional reports and constant rewrites for each stakeholder. Once all the data is on the platform, you can customise what you need and the platform will tailor a specific presentation.

OnePlanet Eastbourne

Want to learn more, or ready to give it a try? Get access to the sandbox here:

To view all the UK Local Council Plans mapped so far, you can view them here! Don’t see your own plan? Get in touch with us to start mapping right away!

Who is using OnePlanet?

Supporting Your Net Zero Journey 

Wherever you are in your journey, OnePlanet helps save time, money and resources, and to move further, faster and with less effort by:

  • mapping of key strategies to align all activities across the council with your carbon, health and/or equity targets
  • creating an ‘Ecosystem Plan’ that outlines your local government’s overall vision which can be embedded into all key strategies
  • using ‘Framework Lenses’ to visualise, filter and reorganise data and reports for communicating with different stakeholders
  • offering action management and reporting tools to minimise duplication, streamline reporting and increase capacity
  • incorporating functionality to connect and engage with external stakeholders
  • having the option to publish all plans as an Interactive Mindmap and GeoMap to engage the community in the progress being made.

Councils deliver multiple strategies and action plans, by multiple departments. To create links, to highlight shared objectives and performance, for subjects such as public health and carbon reduction we need to be using software like OnePlanet.

The clear visualisation and measurement of the co-benefits enables collaboration and saves time in management and reporting.

Local Government Sandbox

This series of videos explains how we do this in more detail..

More sandbox videos?

To view the full sandbox video playlist

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Ready to try the sandbox for yourself?

We had a really compressed timescale to develop our strategy and OnePlanet’s ability to map out the policy overlap internally and externally gave us a real headstart.

We've been able to link our District strategy with key County strategies to give us further insights and enable collaboration, which is critical for a small council.

The platform is alive and fun and allows me to see the plan in new ways.

I’m really enthusiastic about the potential to connect to the local community and key stakeholders, so that we can work together to deliver this ambitious plan - that is what gets me excited about my job!

Implement Your Strategy 

Once you’ve created your strategy OnePlanet provides the tools to drive implementation. Your climate Outcomes and Indicators can be embedded into all your council strategies thereby enhancing collaboration, aligning your strategies and maximising resources. 

Working with Haringey council we have developed Best Practice Templates that ensure all new projects and procurements are aligned, for example, with net zero targets. The templates are designed to support all council officers to assess the carbon impact of their project or procurement, building capacity, optimising resource use and maximising impact. .

The platform that has been developed enables me to clearly see the inter-relationships in a unique way.

The understanding of the interconnections is helping to drive the Council’s new climate action plan and we wouldn’t have thought of developing the strategy or its management in the way we are progressing without OnePlanet.

Additionally being able to track actions across the council is invaluable.

Collaborate to Amplify Your Impact

One of the biggest challenges for local governments that are committed to net zero is engaging with residents and key local stakeholders, including local businesses, suppliers and other significant energy users. OnePlanet enables community groups to create resources for the community linked to the local government vision. The publicly accessible maps allow residents to contribute to the overall vision as well as take action towards healthy lifestyles that are also good for the planet. For example, explore the work of Transition Town Worthing.

Case Study

Responding to the growing climate crisis can only be met through a whole government response. OnePlanet supported Enfield in addressing this complexity by focusing on the overarching Outcomes that Enfield is aiming to achieve and aligning objectives across departments.

Connecting Local Government strategies to compare and contrast

With many local government strategies mapped on OnePlanet we have taken advantage of our unique database technology to connect the strategies together so they can be compared effortlessly.  You can now easily:

  • explore local government actions around specific Shared Outcomes
  • filter to see what your peers are doing and start collaborating
  • search all local government action on any topic, e.g. retrofitting homes or planting trees.

Want to learn more?

Contact us or book a demo.

Ready for a proposal?

Take a look at our Needs Analysis form.

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