Ben Gill

Templates and Privacy

In the latest round of development, we've added new functionality to help develop plans, and let you get them ready, before you show them off!

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Pooran Desai

Is our mental health crisis better considered a spiritual health crisis? 

Many factors contribute to a mental health crisis, but how our lives are organised is greatly responsible.

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Ben Gill

Fear vs Hope – what motivates us in Climate Action?

One of the major differences we noticed while mapping the UK party manifestos was whether they appealed to hope or fear - but which side works for climate action?

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Catriona Macleod

From Risk to Reward: Landing at OnePlanet despite graduating from a university with no employability statistics. 

Choosing to study at a university with no previous students or graduates was a calculated risk. Now, writing this blog post for a company that did want to hire me and believed in my course and university is incredibly rewarding.

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Pooran Desai

Community groups can save the NHS tens of £billions by helping people become ‘health activated’

Community groups have the potential to boost not just social life, but also active life.

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Felix Christoforou

Memorial Garden Greenhouse & Workspace

We had the pleasure of being joined by Urbanist on a Mission, sharing how OnePlanet has been used to support a planning application for The Memorial Garden at The Museum of Brands

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