Pooran Desai

Welcome 2025: “The Year of Reimagining”.

As a new year dawns, our founder, Pooran, who took up sailing in 2024, welcomes a paradigm shift as we enter choppy waters.

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Pooran Desai

Understanding whole systems is changing the very core of science 

Science is changing radically. Just as parts influence the whole, we’re learning that the whole influences the parts.

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Pooran Desai

Planet-Regenerating AI

OnePlanet team up with world-leading neuroscientist, Professor Karl Friston to build a planet-regenerating AI.

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Pooran Desai

Is our mental health crisis better considered a spiritual health crisis? 

Many factors contribute to a mental health crisis, but how our lives are organised is greatly responsible.

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Pooran Desai

Community groups can save the NHS tens of £billions by helping people become ‘health activated’

Community groups have the potential to boost not just social life, but also active life.

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Pooran Desai

Prepping – my top ten tips 

With new figures coming out daily, it can be easy to be swamped by climate anxiety, here are some top tips for combatting it.

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