Pooran Desai

Community groups can save the NHS tens of £billions by helping people become ‘health activated’

Community groups have the potential to boost not just social life, but also active life.

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Ben Gill
image of smog filled underground station

Air Pollution kills – solving it benefits the climate and all Londoners.

Air pollution contributes to the deaths of 9400 Londoners per year. How can we connect our solutions for health and climate for better and more effective outcomes?

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Niamh James

How can the infrastructure industry help create resilient, regenerative communities and regions ?

 A guest blog by Melissa Zanocco OBE, industry transformation expert and CEO of Infrastructure Client Group. I believe that we need to create the future we want rather than being recipients of the future we get. To ensure a sustainable future for humankind and the planet, I see the future as a combination of outcome-focused, place-based decision-making...

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Niamh James
Ecocity Builders Workshop - OnePlanet.com

Get set… bake! Urbanists create ‘recipes’ for nature-based solutions using OnePlanet technology at Ecocity Challenge Workshop #1

Last month, the Ecocity World Summit 2023 was hosted in London by New London Architecture in partnership with Ecocity Builders. Across three days, representatives from the participating cities across the world came together to formulate and implement plans for the future of our urban areas. The summit focussed on positive change and progress for cities...

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Ben Gill
OnePlanet Company History - BedZed

BedZED: The UK’s first Eco-Village

Pooran Desai talks about the BedZED eco-village development.

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Ben Gill
Charlie and Pooran Talk Sustainability

Charlie and Pooran Talk Sustainability – Episode 1

Charlie and Pooran Talk Sustainability is a conversation touching on a wide range of topics relating to sustainability and the climate crisis, between someone who has spent 30 years exploring sustainable living (Pooran) and someone who is keen to live sustainable and learn more (Charlie).

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