Niamh James

Is Growth a Dirty Word?

The OnePlanet team shares their thoughts: As we look for new ways of thinking in challenging climate change, Tash got the OnePlanet team to think about the question “has economics made ‘growth’ into a dirty word?“ Tash – Customer Success Consultant It’s no revelation that growth of capital has come at the cost of a...

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Niamh James

Young Leaders’ Climate Action Manifesto

The Young Leaders’ Climate Action Manifesto is the output of OnePlanet’s ‘Unite for UK Climate Action’ Campaign. The aim of the campaign was to bring together a group of ‘Young Leaders’ to create a systems-map of UK climate policy using the OnePlanet platform. This systems-map provides a national picture and helps to identify best practice,...

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Niamh James
Unite for Climate Action - - Pooran Desai, Mike Berners-Lee & guests

Unite for Climate Action: an Intergenerational Event

Save the Date! 12/12/23 It is vital that our climate action be joined-up and trans-disciplinary. On the 12th of December, we’re hosting an intergenerational event to reflect on the COP process and explore how systems mapping for joined-up climate action at the local government level can make a movement for change across the board. Our team of Young Leaders have been systems mapping...

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Ben Gill
Greenwich Autumn

What are the impacts of an ‘unseasonably’ warm Autumn?

As we all basked in September and early October’s ‘unseasonably’ warm weather, a term that no longer holds any meaning, I began to wonder what are the impacts of a warm Autumn. We are all mostly familiar with the problems of an early spring; trees and plants starting to grow and blossoming early before a late...

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Peter Anderson


Unite for UK Climate Action In the run up to COP28, supported the first phase of young leaders to system-map local government climate action strategies into a publicly accessible integrated database. Using the power of digital technology the OnePlanet platform allowed young leaders to prepare and present a set of recommendations for joined up action to MPs, Council CEOs...

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Niamh James - drought

Connect the dots to build resilience – Part 2: Water

By Ben Gill In this second part of our ‘connecting the dots’ blog series, we explore why water shortages are something we should be preparing for. After one of the warmest European winters on record, coming on the back of the driest summer for 300 years, the switch to the El Nino weather system is...

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