Photo by orva studio on Unsplash

Weighted Links and Manifesto Mapping

Not all actions are weighted equally - in time for the manifestos, we've added new functionality to show the impact of actions.

Photo by orva studio on Unsplash

Weighted Links and Manifesto Mapping

Not all actions are weighted equally - in time for the manifestos, we've added new functionality to show the impact of actions.

Actions don't have neutral outcomes

One key tech development that’s been sitting on the development pathway for a long time is being able to add a ‘weighting’ to a link, i.e. the ability to show whether a link is positive or negative. As we started mapping out the party manifestos against the Young Leaders’ manifesto, we realised that this functionality would be invaluable, and so the tech team have delivered! 

Now when you make a link, it is automatically categorised as positive, but you can recategorise as: 

  • Very negative 
  • Negative 
  • Neutral  
  • Positive  
  • Very positive.  

Very Negative

Actions that will seriously prevent the outcome


Actions that will undermine the outcome


Actions that will not significantly change the outcome


Actions that will support the outcome

Very Positive

Actions of major benefit to the outcome

See it in action:

So now if you look at the Liberal Democrat manifesto mindmap that I have mapped, you’ll notice that a few of the links are dotted. These are Actions that I believe would have a negative impact on specific Young Leader Shared Outcomes, such as No Fuel Poverty, or Green Jobs and Skills. It’s important to stress this is my opinion and I am not a political analyst! 

We are aiming to map out all the manifestos and make them available here: 

This will allow you to: 

  • See a report in a similar format to the actual manifesto, but in a consistent lens so you can compare manifestos.  
  • Explore in mindmap  
  • See the potential negative impacts of the proposed actions.  

Our aim of this is demonstrate the benefit of this mindmap approach and enable you to explore the plans in a consistent format – we’re are trying to refrain from making a judgement!

We’re going to be running a webinar to highlight this work for each of the major party manifestos on the 2nd of July at 2pm. If you want to learn more about how these linkages can be used to view the impact of these manifestos on their goals, click on the banner below to come along!

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