Templates and Privacy

In the latest round of development, we've added new functionality to help develop plans, and let you get them ready, before you show them off!

Templates and Privacy

In the latest round of development, we've added new functionality to help develop plans, and let you get them ready, before you show them off!

There’s been a lot of development and improvement in the last few months, and this will all be going into the new Helpdesk. 

A key development is the ability to make any node private. While we really want to promote transparency at OnePlanet, we understand that there is the need to develop Plans and their Actions before sharing all the information. With this new functionality, a Plan Admin can set a Node as Private. While the node will still appear on a mindmap or on a Published Plan, it will be locked and only Admins will be able to view and edit the detail. Once the information has been signed off, the Node can be made visible.  

OnePlanet users are developing more Plans on OnePlanet that they wish to replicate on new projects. So now instead of copying an existing plan, a Workspace Manager is able to set a Plan as a Template in that workspace, and all Workspace Members can use that Plan as a starting point for any projects. We’ll be further developing this to create a library of Templates for users.  

On top of these two bigger features, we have also been updating and plugging away on other helpful features. There have been some smaller improvements, that I’m sure users will likely find more useful: 

  • Copy a Node – need to copy an Action and all its information? Just click on the Copy Icon and you can add to your plan. 
  • Accessing all Shared Outcome and Shared Indictaor activity – just double clink on the Shared Node on any Mindmap and the information will open in a new tab. 
  • Ordering in Table View – you can now easily order by Name, Category, and for an Action who it has been Assigned to. 
  • Grouping of Plans by Team – if you have many Plans you can now organise and filter by putting them in Teams. 

Have a look at these improvements and send any feedback to hello@oneplanet.com

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