Ben Gill
Grow - A One Planet Community on Bainbridge Island

Different Ever After

The British Embassy in Russia held their first ever Digital Festival: Different Ever After. Read more to find out about the festival and Pooran's contribution.

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Pooran Desai

COVID-19 underscores the role of Housing Associations in the health of people and planet

It was a pleasure to work with Dr Jose Siri of the Wellcome Trust to write this article on the unique opportunity and responsibility that Housing Associations have in delivering health for people and planet. We call on Housing Associations to take up the challenge as we rebuild better.

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Ben Gill

Charlie and Pooran Talk Sustainability – Episode 3

In episode 3 of Charlie and Pooran Talk Sustainability the impact of Covid19 on wildlife across the globe is considered, carbon offsetting is discussed and finally repairing is explored.

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