Niamh James

Systems Thinking: Complex Doesn’t Always Equal Complicated

Written by Pooran Desai OBE (Founder) and Niamh James (Researcher) What may appear complicated, might be simple when viewed in terms of its connections. Eric Berlow is an American Ecologist who embraces systems thinking to identify simple solutions to what appear otherwise extremely complicated problems, as he explains in his TED Talk. From studying ecosystems,...

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Ben Gill

PROConnect Ecosystem Demo

Watch this youtube video to explore the vast potential of our Ecosystem package. See how it can be used to help you save time and money in creating a sustainable strategy which is right for your organisation and engage your staff, customers and suppliers in delivering it.

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Ben Gill

What Can We Learn From Fungi?

It was towards the end of the 19th century that we understood that lichens are not a single organism but actually a symbiotic relationship between an alga and a fungus, two species that are members of completely different Kingdoms. It was another 100 years before it was understood that fungi don’t just exchange nutrients with...

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