local government climate action plan ecosystem

The vast majority of Local Governments have declared a climate emergency and developed, or are in the process of developing, a Climate Strategy. While every strategy will need to respond to the local context and the specifics of the Local Government itself (Unitary, Two Tier etc), there will nonetheless be a huge amount of commonality between the plans.

There is therefore obviously a huge amount of time that can be saved by being able to search a database of Local Government Climate Action, but what if the database could also enable collaboration, support implementation and enable people to track progress. 

Using our unique graph database technology this is what we have started to do. Watch this short video to see how OnePlanet can allow you to:

  • See all Local Government action around specific Shared Outcomes; Achieving Net Zero, nature recovery or Circular Economy
  • Filter by plan to see what your neighbours are planning – maybe there is a collaboration opportunity there
  • Search all local government action on any topic, such as retrofit or tree planting, and learn what they are planning. 

Our goal is to get all UK Local Governments connected to enable a genuinely joined-up approach to climate action. If you’d like your local government to get involved please contact us hello@oneplanet.com