Over the past couple of months we have been running our Unite for UK Climate Action Campaign. We trained 100 Young Leaders to use the OnePlanet technology to create the first systems-map of all UK Local Government climate action. The Young Leaders used the OnePlanet platform to analyse the plans and present a Manifesto of climate action which showcased best practice and case studies.
‘This systems approach and networking will help deliver climate action at the community and business level and signpost people to answers to their challenges.’
Joe Baker, Head of Carbon Management
Haringey Council
The Young Leaders believe that Local Government can take the lead in climate action by putting equity, health and nature-based solutions at the core of their climate strategies. Ultimately, we hope this work will encourage local councils, businesses and communities to collaborate to create and deliver effective, joined-up solutions.
‘I absolutely agree with the Young Leaders that climate action should simultaneously address issues around Health, Nature and Equity, and that these co-benefits have to be communicated clearly.’
Caroline Lucas
Green Party MP for Brighton Pavillion
Youth participation and leadership
We decided to run this campaign in parallel to this year’s United Nations COP28, with a focus on youth participation and leadership, because the youth voice is often left out of these major discussions. We wanted to empower young people in the UK to have the opportunity to learn about the climate crisis, what was being done in response, and provide a vehicle for their thoughts to be shared.
December 12th: Panel Sessions and An Intergenerational Conversation
On December 12th, we hosted a series of events to celebrate the Unite for UK Climate Campaign and reflect on this year’s COP28 as it drew to a close. OnePlanet held four panel sessions in the morning to explore the Young Leaders recommendations with subject experts.
Food, Agriculture and Water: Our second panel session focused on regenerative agricultural practices, reducing food waste and stopping chemical pollution.
Nature, Land Use and Oceans: The third panel session addressed improving access to nature, eliminating the use of unnecessary plastics as well as nature recovery for both land and oceans.
Just Transition: Finally we discussed access to sustainable and healthy diets, the low carbon economy and green spaces. Improving access to housing retrofit and renewable energy was also considered.
In the afternoon, we hosted our webinar event: An Intergenerational Conversation. This event started with a reflection of COP28 and was followed by a presentation of the systems-mapping of local government plans.
‘The OnePlanet system and what is being presented here today is really inspiring because it is a tangible way to bring interconnectivity into the consciousness’
Dr Jack O’Connor
Catch up on all the action!
If you were unable to attend any of the panel sessions and afternoon event or you just want a reminder of everything discussed, head over to our YouTube here to watch the recordings. If you are interested in how your organisation or local government can use the OnePlanet platform, please contact us here. We will be releasing the final Manifesto and recommendations shortly so keep an eye out. To see which plans have been mapped so far, click here.