Understand ‘Shared Outcomes’ as a structure for collaborative action

OnePlanet enables network organisations in any sector to offer strategic planning as a service to their members as well as track their individual and cumulative impact.

Unlock the benefits of the 'Network Effect'

Whatever network you serve – for example in business, tourism, government, community or geography – the OnePlanet platform allows you immediately to provide a new service to your members. 

Using customised Best Practice Templates, built in your own framework or set of principles, you can support your members with connectable plans containing:

  • Shared Outcomes to align plans
  • recommended Actions and Indicators
  • specific Guidance for each Action or Indicator
  • relevant Case Studies.

The platform can be used to nurture a Community of Practice.  Your network members can explore each other plans easily and track progress in real time using our ‘Navigator’ functionality, creating a dynamic learning environment.

We understand that networks can be hard to coordinate. OnePlanet enables more self-management by network members, enabling members effortlessly to create, share, connect, compare, learn and report on plans in a simple and intuitive way.

Tracking and Supporting your Members

By using the platform, you and your network also be able to understand and learn from each other through:

  • Reports pulling in data on specific Outcomes or Indicators from all your members
  • Mindmaps for members to explore
  • Geomaps of your members and location of their Actions to identify opportunities for collaboration
  • Ongoing Progress Updates and Stories to increase engagement 

Benefits of network mapping

This short video shows how, working with local government climate officers, OnePlanet is being used to connect climate plans of multiple local governments to be understand easily and quickly:

  • What different members are doing in real time
  • Actions being taken across the network on any topic, e.g. retrofitting energy efficiency or planting trees
  • Opportunities to learn or collaborate