Demonstrate traction locally and new ways of working


OnePlanet is an online technology platform which helps any organisation easily create sustainability plans that are vital for supporting ecosystems and communities to adapt and regenerate. OnePlanet’s packages and digital tools assist community groups to focus actions and collaborate towards shared outcomes with measurable progress.

Create & implement your plan

Plan the Actions you need to take to achieve your Outcomes and the Indicators you will need to track your progress. Create links using innovative OnePlanet technology to see how your ideas fit together.


Connect to an Ecosystem vision and collaborate effortlessly, positively and efficiently to achieve its Shared Outcomes.


Publish your plan and show everyone how your organisation is contributing to a regenerative future.

OnePlanet Product Video - 2.5 min

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Community Partnerships

We have developed a partnership programme specifically for community groups that is designed to overcome any barriers to entry, foster relationships, increase capacity, and build on that initial enthusiasm. We provide access to our platform and services without money being a barrier to entry, and offer support for grant funding applications and sponsorship from local organisations.