Action, Outcome, Indicator, Geomap

In the last tech blog we leaked out the exciting news of the arrival of Geomap, the first deployment of this is now live! This means that you can now geolocate any Action, Outcome, Indicator (and Network Node) on a map. 

So if you log into your account and open a plan you will now see four options for viewing your plan; Mindmap, Geomap, Table, Document.  

To geolocate a node you need to: 

  1. Create the nodes 
  2. Open the Node (in Mindmap, Table or even the Search Tool), search for the location, and if required move to the exact location – and save. 
  3. Now on Geomap you’ll be able to see the location of all your Nodes.  
Screenshot ofo the Geomap showing the location of actions being taken in the plan.

 This is the first step, we’ll shortly be adding: 

  • The ability to open the node detail in Geomap 
  • Filter by Lens category  
  • Explore the full Ecosystem of Nodes – all the Nodes, from multiple Action Plans, all Nodes linked to Shared Outcomes etc etc.  

So its just a first step but already exciting.  

Another significant upgrade is the ability to filter by the progress of any Action or Indicator. So the three views you can filter by the Overall Progress colour of Red, orange, yellow, light and dark green. On Mindmap its on the filter bar, Table view there’s a column and Document view its at the bottom of the filter tab. So if you need a report of all actions that are behind progress – no problem! 

Want to see it in action? Check out the video below: